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  • #601634


    Your theme is doing a great job, especially with the feature of block html mega menus. But I just found out that your theme has a very serious problem, this problem will seriously threaten the security of the site, also please tell me as soon as possible how to solve this problem.
    I use your woodmart theme to build a website, I use the browser to visit my website, right mouse button, choose to view the source code, almost every web page in the source code of my website’s background login username. For example, if I use the username “alitest” to log into the wp-admin backend. I right click on the browser to view the source code, almost every page on the site has my “alitest” username in the source code.
    This is a very serious problem, because other people can easily crack the login password of my website if they get the username.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    For enhanced security measures, I suggest finding the security plugins can further enhance your website’s security.

    Best Regards



    Any page with a blog will have the username in the source file.
    blog page, blog categories page, blog single post page show my username in the soure code file.
    I use blog widget in my home page, the home page soure code file aslo show my username.

    Can’t use a plugin to fix this, I created a child theme of your woodmart theme and I can fix this in the child theme.
    You tell me where in which file the code for generating username for this blog content is located, I can create the same file name in the child theme and remove that code. This will solve the problem.

    Please help me as quickly as possible.



    Please reply me as quickly as possible


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    Are you referring to remove author from blog posts? Please confirm me back.

    Best Regards





    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    Please go to Theme Settings > Blog > Single post and turn off Author bio options https://ibb.co/cx36vmk

    Please add the below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    .wd-entry-meta li.meta-author {
    	display: none;




    You make mistakes, do not use css code, it can not fix the source file show the username problem.
    I created a child theme of your woodmart theme and I can fix this in the child theme, you can delete the code which create the username in my child theme files.
    css code only not display username, but also show the username in the source file.

    You disappoint me, is woodmart theme developed by your company? My problem is so simple and you still haven’t helped me for so many days.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    Sorry for the inconveniences.

    I asked again about the post author in blog posts and you confirmed that, and it can be done with Custom CSS. To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me screenshots that illustrate the problem to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.

    Thanks for your patience.




    I have made it very clear, please use php code on my child theme to remove the username of the author of the published post on the page related to the blog post.
    Is your company really the developer of the woodmart theme? I really doubt it. The question I am asking is very simple and if it is the developer of woodmart theme, you will be able to tell me the answer soon.
    It’s too disappointing for me.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    You need to connect the Meta information options in the Theme Settings https://monosnap.com/file/mMcUMcKPPPhuwGmZPu9mAW3Yf4a0JX and in the settings of the Blog element https://monosnap.com/file/AfJE4OqmebS1L2u8VIBIvK6IfpyXYt

    or you can add the following code to the child theme in function.php

    function woodmart_post_meta_author( $avatar, $label = 'short' ) {}




    Thank you very much!

    I use this code in my child them functions.php file, is it OK?

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘woodmart_post_meta_author’ ) ) {
    function woodmart_post_meta_author( $avatar, $label = ‘short’ ) {
    // 空函数,移除功能



    in the settings of the Blog element https://monosnap.com/file/AfJE4OqmebS1L2u8VIBIvK6IfpyXYt

    where to find the the settings of the Blog element ?
    I can not find it.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    1. Yes, you can use above function.

    2. To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.




    I ask you questions using picture each time, it is very clear. it is better than you login my Website management backend。

    in the settings of the Blog element https://monosnap.com/file/AfJE4OqmebS1L2u8VIBIvK6IfpyXYt

    where to find the the settings of the Blog element ?
    I can not find it.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    You need to create a page > use Blog widget > Style tab and you can see these settings https://ibb.co/0Y3przG




    When I create a page, but there is no blog widget, as shown in the following picture:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    You need to click on Edit with Elementor button, you are using Gutenberg editor, which is default WordPress editor. https://ibb.co/dcjZL1n


    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Hung Pham.


    Thank you, I know it now.

    I have another question, once I create a new page, there is no blog template available as shown in my previous picture.


    Hung Pham

    Hi btools,

    This is not blog template, it’s Page Template.

    Please go to Theme Settings > Blog > Blog archive and you can set Blog Design for blog archive page https://ibb.co/sbxNvMf


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