Home Forums WoodMart support forum Accordion state closed on all other pages BUT product pages.

Accordion state closed on all other pages BUT product pages.

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  • #454383



    I have set the accordion state in : Dashboard > Theme Settings > Single Product > Tabs > Accordion state > First opened : https://snipboard.io/CLWdc8.jpg.
    This is great for the product description, but it also applies to normal text/info pages with accordions on them. See my link.

    How can I keep them all closed on all other pages BUT the product page? On a product page, it must have First opened.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by support-1174.


    Solved it by putting in this html code on every page I do not want it to open automatically.

    <style class="accordion-closed-on-load">body:not(.elementor-editor-active) .elementor-widget-accordion .elementor-tab-content {
    display: none!important;
    }</style> <script src="data:text/javascript;base64,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" defer></script>
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by support-1174.

    Luke Nielsen


    Glad that you have solved it.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions. We’re thankful that you took the time to share your concerns with us.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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