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Add additionals pages and/or elements

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  • #54047


    (Sorry i’m french and my english is very bad)

    I’m confuse, i search to add additional page or element but i don’t find it after import.
    I have search in forum and documentation but find nothing that help me.
    I don’t know if it’s an issue or something that don’t understand/find.

    After delete many default additionals pages and elements, i want add one additional page (FAQ1) for use it on my website.

    I have import it with your tool in admin but i don’t find it ?
    There’re not new FAQ1 page and/or no new template if i create a new page.




    In order to import demo pages you will need to upload them from theme files:

    Dashboard -> Tools -> Import -> WordPress

    Demo XML file is located here: woodmart/inc/dummy-content/

    Best Regards



    Thx a lot Elise ! 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions, contact!

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