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Add custom site font to the revolution Slider font list

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  • #33936

    Hosein Vahhabi

    How can I add my Iransans Font that used in the theme to the Revolution Slider font list?
    or how to change font of site slider match to other font style?
    thanks for your responding.


    Artem Temos


    Try to leave the font fields empty for all text layers and it should inherit the font set in your Dashboard globally.



    Hosein Vahhabi

    Thanks. it’s Solved.
    but for making the responsive slider I take a several time. at the end for small display (Smartphone) it’s not good. the wide picture can’t use in this slider.
    can you explain me how to make a perfect responisive slider.


    Artem Temos

    We can’t explain better than plugin’s developers. Here is video tutorial that demonstrates all abilities of the slider for responsive settings https://www.themepunch.com/faq/slider-revolution-responsive-tutorial-5-0/

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