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Add responsivity like scroll to top button

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  • #438291


    On your theme, there is a very beautiful responsive scroll to top button. The button stays above the bottom menu bar on mobile and hides itself on the side while on top of the page. My question is, how can I add the same behaviour in another element on my site? I have for example a cookie banner that after consent, leaves a small round icon on the left side of my website. The problem is that this icon falls on top of the bottom menu on mobile devices. Can you help me fix this issue? The mobile menu is currently disabled because the site is not live yet.

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    It can be tried to adjust with the help of Custom CSS on your Site but currently your Site is on Maintenance mode so we aren’t able to view anything on your Site.

    Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    Give me an email to create a temporary admin account for you.



    Please add the following Email as temporary admin on your Site: [email protected]

    Best Regards.



    I’ve sent you an email



    I did not receive any email or invitation for your site login. Please send me again or share the WP admin login details of your site here in the private content.

    Best Regards.



    I sent the email again and I am also attaching the link in the private section.



    Usually, the plugin settings have the option to change the position of the Icon appearing on the Site. So, we would recommend you to check the Plugin Settings and if there is an option to change the Icon position then you can change from that easily. Right now, the Plugin Settings has a dedicated Username and password required to access its settings so we ourselves aren’t able to check that. That’s why we are mentioning you to check this.

    Further, if you don’t find any option to change its position for the Mobile view, then please try using the following Custom CSS on your Site:

    .cky-revisit-bottom-left {
        bottom: 4em !important;
        left: auto !important;
        right: 0 !important;

    Location to paste Custom CSS, go to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Custom CSS for mobile section >> paste the CSS.

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards.

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