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Add to cart Ajax not working.

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  • #559407



    We are using the Fast Simon search functionality with the Woodmart theme on my website. When I navigate to the search page generated by Fast Simon, the “Add to Cart” feature isn’t working with Ajax as expected. When I click “Add to Cart,” the cart count in the header section doesn’t update automatically, requiring a page refresh each time.

    The “Add to Cart” feature should work with Ajax, allowing the cart to update without a page reload.

    Could you suggest a proper solution to this issue? We are also looking for the appropriate theme hook or method to update the cart count using Ajax.

    We have tried the plugin’s hooks, but they don’t seem to work with the Woodmart theme. Could you recommend a solution that ensures the “Add to Cart” button on the Fast Simon-generated search page updates the cart via Ajax?

    Search Page URL: https://www.baki.co.ke/search-results?q=ab



    Artem Temos


    As we can see, this plugin has its custom template for the results page and custom script for adding to cart function. It may not be fully compatible with our theme, and we don’t have a working code to fix this issue, unfortunately.

    Kind Regards




    Thanks for your update.

    Could you please share the AJAX hook that your theme uses to update the cart when someone clicks the “Add to Cart” button?



    Artem Temos

    There is no special hook for this in our theme. WooCommerce does it on its own and replaces the shopping cart widget with a new one. We don’t know why it doesn’t work with this particular plugin.




    Thanks for update.

    What plugin, similar to Fast Simon, is compatible with their theme? We’re looking for advanced search functionality for our client that is fast and smooth, comparable to Fast Simon.



    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, we don’t know any similar plugins to this one.

    Kind Regards

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