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add to cart and the wishlist page question

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  • #71206

    [email protected]

    two question:
    1. How to add a add to cart button to the products list and the single product page?

    2. Wishlist page didn’t work aftet I created a wish list and fill [yith_wcwl_wishlist] in, and I already activated the plugin “YITH WooCommerce Wishlist”.
    It just shows 404 page.


    [email protected]

    When enabled the catalog mode, the add to cart option is hiden.

    I found the alias name of the page could not be set in Chinese, but it okay for english alias.
    Because the links of the pages are filled with the alias name,so if you fill in withe chinese, the link could not be identified , and then display 404 not found page.



    1. Make sure you have added a price to the product. Besides, check Theme settings > shop > Catalog mode, make sure you have this option disabled.

    2. Enter Wishlist plugin settings and make sure you have created a page for Wishlist and set it accordingly: http://prntscr.com/kevvue

    Best Regards

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