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Add to cart button doesn't work properly when there is pagination

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  • #251386



    thanks for the great product again.

    Unfortunately i came across a problem. When there is an archive page with pagination, like all products shop page or a category,  the products at the next page(or load more or infinite scroll)are not added to cart when the “add to cart” button is pressed but instead the user is redirected to the product’s page and at the same time the yellow notification at the bottom appears of Minimum Quantity Validation Message. 

    VERY IMPORTANT to say is that i am using WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control
    by Saiful islam because i need to set minimum product quantity and step.

    It seems that it has something to do with the pagination of Woodmart. Because i tested the plugin to different themes and the problem was solved everytime. The pagination of Woodmart does not take you to the next page but it loads more product on the same page. I think that the products appearing after the next page don’t load all the data from the plugin properly.

    Something awkward that might help is that when i press the – or + quantity buttons the product is added to cart as it should always be.

    Before using WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control i was manipulating the min, max and quantity steps with custom code. I was facing similar problems and always only with the Woodmart Theme. The code is in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62943477/set-quantity-minimum-maximum-and-step-at-product-level-in-woocommerce .

    I hope i was clear with the problem.

    Thanks in advance. 


    Dimitris Georgakopoulos

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please check the credentials I cannot log in. I will check with our dev theme.

    Best Regards




    Sorry for the inconvenience, i sent you credentials for the staging site which we had to delete yesterday due to problems. I am sending you a new account on the live site.




    Please provide admin rights for access.

    Best Regards




    The account is now admin.

    Best Regards.



    Most likely our theme AJAX is not compatible with the plugin. Please disable this option http://prntscr.com/w55zh0 and enable this option http://prntscr.com/w55zoa then check the issue.

    Best Regards




    i think this way the problem is solved. At first sight it works without any issue.

    Thanks for the support.

    Best Regards,


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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