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Add to Cart display widget doesn't work with Magzine demo

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  • #60890


    I was just testing this and the function in which a sidebar appears when a user clicks the “Add to Cart” button doesn’t seem to work. When you click on it, nothing is indicated that you added it to your cart. This is a huge flaw. Please fix this or tell me how I can resolve this?

    Also, your magazine demo doesn’t seem to have WooCommerce working or activated. https://woodmart.xtemos.com/magazine/shop



    First of all, check if you have activated any action after add to cart event: Theme Settings > Shop > Action after add to cart http://prntscr.com/jq6ave

    If you want a sidebar appearing after you click add to cart in the header, check Woodmart > header builder > cart element http://prntscr.com/jq6bbw

    If you have done all but still have the issue disable all the third parties plugins not related to the theme and check the issue again.

    Best Regards




    I do have it activated in the theme setting to show in the widget sidebar. For the second part of what you mentioned, how do I get to the “Configure Cart setting”. That option or custom header isn’t in my list of available header styles.



    I have checked the adding to cart action now and it works properly

    Please clarify the problem if any.

    Best Regards



    Thank you, that seemed to do the trick. Also, for future note, please reply with screenshots to the private area response as the link i provided is under development and not publicly available just yet.



    I have deleted the screen. All the replies are provided in public area only. The private area is visible for team Xtemos.

    Best Regards

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