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adding two font for two language

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  • #272246


    how i can chose a different font for different language
    like arabic and english ?



    Unfortunately, there is no option. The fonts are set globally for the whole site.

    Best Regards



    then how at least i change the navigation menu color
    i have used this code in general custom css nut not work
    .whb-color-dark .navigation-style-default .item-level-0 > a {
    color: white;
    font-size: 15px;



    Please provide the URL of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios



    i have a problem size and menu font even not working , even i change it from advance costume font .
    check the vedio please

    problem is the html block before the footer i have disabled footer and allow the html before footer and copy write , the html come only with Arabic language and not showing when i switch to English ?? even i already translate the html block

    please check website



    ok i was able to resolve all these matter once i did https link adjusted.
    now icons is ther and fonts and color size is working good.

    i just want to know the slide revolution premium module or template , can you send me the real estate premium template ” https://www.sliderrevolution.com/templates/real-estate-showcase-slider-for-wordpress/”
    , and there is one template you did in medical-marijuana also i want please



    We are Glad that you resolved most of the issues yourself. You are Great!!

    Sorry but you cannot access the templates of the premium slider revolution with the plugin provided with our theme.

    Because the Revolution Slider comes bundled with our theme but it can’t be activated with our purchase code.

    In case you want to get free premium support from it’s author or premium sliders content, you can purchase it from codecanyon.

    Best Regards



    hi i want to achieve this in your theme
    want to change the logo or the circle menu to different color in each section
    so in every elementor section we can adjust the logo or the menu color as we want .

    you can check this website which i want to do same



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Best Regards

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