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Additional image in product page

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  • #127477


    Our customer has requested to us how to insert an image in a certain area.

    I attach an imagen in which you can see what he requests, in a product page of Woocommerce plugin, we have pointed 4 zones:

    1.- The featured image and other images inserted from product edit page

    2.- Breadcrumbs, the product title, the description.

    3.- HERE IS WHERE WE WANT TO HAVE THE OPTION OF INSERT AN IMAGE, even if it is including a code with the absolute path, for instance https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/sample-image.jpg

    4.- The price calculator using a Plugin

    Thank you so much, best regards.

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    1. This is a featured image

    2. Insert an image inside the short product description

    3. Insert the images into product gallery

    4. No option to insert the image.

    If you need additional images you can search for a plugin or developer who would customize the Woocommerce for you.

    Best Regards

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