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Additional product options, other fields possible

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  • #391171


    I bought and installed Woodmart. For my purposes I need more fields in the individual productpages, or in the shopping cart, or on the checkout side. I also need date and time pickers, list selection fields and text fields. Is that possible with this theme, or is that only possible with additional plugins?
    As a short note why I need these fields, I sell tickets for ferry ship crossings. Some queries to the customer or information from the customer are important here. For example, the type of vehicle as a list selection, date and time of the crossing as a date and time picker, number of people as a selection field, height and length of the vehicle as a text field. I need these fields because this information must be included on the tickets and the tickets only apply with this information. If an external plugin is necessary, can you recommend one that works well with your theme?
    Thanks and best regards Mike



    Sorry but there are no such options in Theme Settings available for that.

    You need to find a plugin for that. Unfortunately we could not suggest you with any plugin you need to find out yourself.

    Best Regards

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