Hi there
I have just updated the Theme, WooCommerce and all plugins.
We now have an issue with Ajax. On any Shop Page page when clicking to the next page in the pagination, or even clicking any of the Filters, it causes the page to refresh/reload even though Ajax still works.
Can you please help.
As we can see, you have too long server response time that stops AJAX loading from working. It waits for 5 seconds and if doesn’t get any response from the server it reloads the page in a regular way. You need to check your performance firstly or better to disable AJAX shop function.
Thanks for the reply.
But this was working fine before. It just started happening after updating the Theme to the latest version. And nothing changed in the server.
There must be something else.
It can’t be caused by our theme. You can check it rolling back to the previous version that worked fine or even check how it works with default WordPress theme.
We don’t know how it worked before since we can’t check it now. The fact is that it works correctly now as expected. If you want, we can give an instruction how you can increase this timeout from 5 seconds to 10 for example but it won’t be the best solution. Better to optimize the performance or disable AJAX shop function.