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AJAX Product Tabs Query doesn’t work

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  • #355827



    I have been using your theme with elementor, but now I’ve been facing some problems when I try to use products related widgets (grid products or ajax products tabs widgets), I can’t insert specific products with id’s, name or categories because there is no field to insert them.
    We have our online store finished and ready to go live, but we can’t do it until this problem is solved.

    PS. We have already tried to deactivate the Elementor Pro, and it seemed to be the problem to it, but we can’t have the website without it, because everything that we’ve created with the elementor pro disappears.

    Is there any solution for this?
    Our client as been pressuring us to launch the site…
    We’r waiting for urgent response,

    Thank you in advance.



    Please deactivate Elementor Pro if you use it and check. If it works, try to downgrade the Pro to the previous version. Now our developers are working on fixing this incompatibility.

    Best Regards



    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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