Home Forums WoodMart support forum All footer widgets are displaying in one single column

All footer widgets are displaying in one single column

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  • #227886

    Shukurat Raji

    Hello, the problem started with the footer

    It was distorted, all the widgets in the five columns are showing on a single line even after I reset the footer from the theme panel.

    Am using the grocery homepage and wp bakery.

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    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards


    Shukurat Raji

    We reset the whole page, and the icons are back, but the browse category in the homepage is is opened without touching it, and refused close.



    Please provide your login URL in the private area.

    Best Regards


    Shukurat Raji

    Sorry about that, it is included below


    Shukurat Raji

    After resetting everything, the footer still has issues.


    Shukurat Raji

    I reset wordpress and started everything afresh. But the moment I edited the footer widget everything was distorted again, all the 5 footer column went back to displaying in one single column.

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    You have not closed the tag in the Footer text widget: https://prnt.sc/ulz6q2

    Please close and check.

    Best Regards

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