Home Forums WoodMart support forum Allow basic HTML in “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget”

Allow basic HTML in “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget”

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  • #556842


    I am trying to achieve this https://snipboard.io/UIPZLS.jpg where the filter has a sub header.

    So I am trying to add some basic HTML here to style it but it keeps getting stripped out when I try to add a simple span here https://snipboard.io/AEjamw.jpg

    Can you allow at least span tag inside title so we can do this change?



    Can you please share some screenshots or examples of what you actually want, so i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards



    Yes the screenshot was in my original
    post. It shows a subtitle under the main widget title. Please look



    Sorry, the widget title is the text field. You can only use the text in this field not HTML code. You can test it with the WP default theme as well, it will work same as our theme.

    Best Regards.

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