I have an error searching for brands.
My website has English Chinese German,
Click on the brand in the English interface, and then the products of this brand will be listed: https://prnt.sc/AxPLYUYeMsT-
The products listed are also correct: https://prnt.sc/YdkK6hewjD5f
But click on this brand search in the Chinese interface: https://prnt.sc/F5w1fQeS-I8v
The product list cannot be listed: https://prnt.sc/YtZJc_YBFW_z
Do you have any advice?
thank you!
Please make the full backup of your site and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.
If you see the same on the Storefront, please contact WPML support to find out which settings is missing.