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Assistance Needed with Menu Customization

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  • #512778


    Good day Support Team,
    I am currently working on customizing my website’s menu and would appreciate your guidance on the following points:

    Desktop: (Refer to the attached screenshot)
    1. How to add separate lines in the drop-down menu.
    2. How to add a pointing arrow to the drop-down menu (similar to the mobile menu).
    3. How to change the color in the drop-down menu.

    Mobile: (Refer to the attached screenshot)
    1. How to change colors in the drop-down menu for each submenu.


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    Please try to use the below custom CSS code and paste it to Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> CSS for Desktop section:

    .wd-sub-menu li {
          border-bottom: 1px solid white;
    .wd-nav-product-cat .wd-sub-menu li a {
         color: #2575fc;

    Add this code in Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> CSS for mobile section:

    .wd-nav-accordion-mb-on .wd-nav-product-cat li a {
         color: red;

    Best Regards.



    Good day Support Team,

    I appreciate your prompt response and assistance. Following the application of the provided CSS codes, I observed changes in text color but not in the background. I would like to achieve the following styling modifications for both desktop and mobile views:

    Desktop: (Refer to the attached screenshot)

    • Change drop-down menu text color
    • Change drop-down menu hover text color
    • Change drop-down menu background color


    • Change drop-down menu text color
    • Change drop-down menu hover text color
    • Change drop-down menu background color for submenu/sub-submenus

    Thank you for your support.

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    Sorry to say I have been unable to visit your site due to maintenance mode. Please share the wp logins details in the private content so i will check and give you a custom css code.

    Best Regards.




    Please see below in extra information



    Please try to use the below custom CSS code and paste it to Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> CSS for Desktop section:

    .wd-nav-product-cat .wd-sub-menu {
        --sub-menu-color: #eb0b0b;
        --sub-menu-color-hover: #4285f4;
    	background-color: yellow;

    Add this code in Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> CSS for mobile section:

    .wd-nav[class*="wd-style-underline"] .nav-link-text {
        background-color: blue;
    .wd-nav[class*="wd-style-"]>li>a {
        background-color: #371b1b;
    	color: red;
    .wd-nav-accordion-mb-on.color-scheme-light .wd-nav-product-cat .wd-dropdown {
        background-color: yellow;

    Change the code as per your requirements.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Support Team,

    Thank you for sorting out the Menu background colors. However, in Desktop Menu, how can I add a pointing arrow/sign to indicate that there is a submenu in the next column, similar to what we have in the Mobile menu? (Refer to the attached screenshot)

    Thank you.

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    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios

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