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Author: Name – Link to Author Bio Page?

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  • Author
  • #50334


    Currently the ‘Author’ link directs to all of the posts by the author. Is it possible to link to an author bio page instead?

    Or, is it possible to put some bio information at the top of the blog/Author page?




    By default clicking, author link leads to all the posts and this is actually the page of the author.

    You can create a custom page and make a redirect.

    As for bio info, yes, you can and it will be displayed in the top before all the posts http://prntscr.com/izknr1

    For the purpose navigate to User > Choose the user and fill the bio information out.

    Best Regards



    Thank you, how do I enable that biographical info?



    1/ You fill out bio infor in Users > chose > edit > fill out

    2/ The Bio info will appear on the page with all the posts when you click on the author

    Best Regards

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