Home Forums WoodMart support forum Back button on the categories on header does not return to main category

Back button on the categories on header does not return to main category

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  • #422022



    I have posted a video below, where I demonstrate the possible problem.
    The case is this: I visited a shop category from another page on my site and when I clicked the back arrow that is on the left of the category name, even the link on the bottom was pointing to the main category, it redirected me to the last visited page. It worked like the Go back button of the browser.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Best Regards



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience.

    The thing is, the Back button under the Page Title by default works as the Browser one and when you click it, it takes you to the last page you visited.

    Regarding your concern of taking back to the main Category, you can make use of the Breadcrumb for that: https://ibb.co/vqzRsRH

    This is the possibility in this regard. Hope you can understand !

    Best Regards

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