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Background Video

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  • #92911


    I am trying to accomplish the same background furniture video as the demo. You stated in another post that the video cannot “stretch.” How is your demo video “stretched?” I added several different YouTube videos, but see nothing but a black background. I am seeing this on a desktop. Thx in advance.



    Yes, video background is not stretched. If you add youtube video (not a background) video is scaled and works on any width.

    Best Regards



    OK, I am confused – how can I get my videos as the “Background Video” element? My YouTube video to look EXACTLY like your demo – full width!



    Please have a look at the screen: http://prntscr.com/lpa6ph this video is used as the background. It would disappear on mobile as the row has the content which would increase the height of the row and video cannot be stretched accordingly.

    In this case, http://prntscr.com/lpa74p video is added as an element and it would be scaled on mobile. You can insert this element in the full-width block. Try this element to see how it works.

    Best Regards

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