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Banner text not reaching edge despite full width configuration

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  • #521154


    I created a Marquee and via the HTML block, and set the theme’s default banner header, the text on the banner does not reach the edge of the screen, I set the full width of the site, the block and the container itself, but the text does not reach the edge of the screen.

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    Bogdan Donovan


    By default, HTML-Block content max-width can’t be wider than the initial sites’ container (https://prnt.sc/n3e2URw7g3_a). This rule also applies to any content placed in Header Banner, so if you want to stretch a Marquee element from the site’s container width to the screen width, you need to:

    1. Open your HTML-block assigned to Header Banner in Elementor editor.
    2. Open “Container” element settings in which your Marquee element is placed. (screenshot https://prnt.sc/1U2dB0fAMyZm)
    3. Find “Stretch container” option in the “Layout” tab and select the “Stretch container and content” value (screenshot https://prnt.sc/2v65aADJNJmK)
    4. Go to “Advanced” tab of the same container element and set all side paddings to zero value (screenshot https://prnt.sc/ukkt47MXJYJu).





    Bogdan Donovan

    You are welcome!

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