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Base import and Additional pages tabs are no longer available

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  • #133825


    1. I was trying to import a contact us page but the Base import and Additional pages tabs are no longer beneath the Woodmart tab. Please see attached screen shot.

    2. I can’t change the mobile header settings, in the header builder, without affecting the desktop header?

    Is there a way to build/design two headers, one for desktop one for mobile?

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    Please check Appearance > Install plugins > make sure you have installed and activated all the required. If it does not solve the issue deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area.

    Switch to the mobile view of your header http://prntscr.com/iyd3v3 check all the elements there you can configure the mobile header as per your needs. Please note there are few row configuration which is the same both on mobile and desktop.

    Best Regards



    Sorry but that didnt work, the tabs are still missing.



    Please enable the option “Enable Dummy Content Import option” https://prnt.sc/oicwfz

    Best Regards



    Hi, In regards to the header, I was using the mobile tab, you showed in the photo, but the changes i made there affected the desktop header. Please could you tell me what you meant by:

    “Please note there are few row configuration which is the same both on mobile and desktop.”

    Because i think that might have been the issue.



    I mean the sticky feature will be both for mobile and desktop. Please specify which element or option are you trying to set? I will check and tell you.

    Best Regards



    ok so it just happened again. I went to:

    WoodMart header builder – Header Retail – mobile layout

    All i did was click edit for the top bar and i set the color and 2px height. There are no elements, i just wanted to add a little purple to the top of the mobile header. I clicked hide on desktop because i only want it to show on mobile.

    But now the desktops top bar has disappeared.



    You have hidden on the desktop and top bar has disappeared. https://gyazo.com/6e8cc7591547eeebc7da2020b5439d52

    The top bar in the mobile now has been configured to have the height of 2px and it has http://prntscr.com/oisvqa

    Please check.

    Best Regards



    Hi again:

    Sorry but i cant figure out why i have 2 product names on desktop. Please see screenshot.

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    The first one is the breadcrumbs and the second one is the product title.

    Best Regards

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