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Base RTL

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  • #192123


    Hello we activate the base rtl
    But we have a lot of problems like the picture how we can repair it ?

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    i generate the theme css and i look the dashboard-settings- First page looking “Base RTL” but still our problem going



    Please provide admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Okey i share , we are waitnig the good news
    thank you



    our problem is going
    please look the original theme and our theme
    our theme have a lot of problems .
    Pelase compare 2 image.

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    I have visited your website. This is not an issue by any means you are using Base RTL demo which is used for the websites that use the languages that are RTL. Means that the categories menu will open from right to left as well.

    This is how it works. I have moved the categories menu from the left side of the main menu to the right side and it’s looking absolutely fine on my end.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/kcwsSCH

    Best Regards.



    please repair our theme.



    Again different problems in menu

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    This is not an issue by any means. To make the RTL work fine you need to Go to Settings >> General >> Select a language that is RTL like Arabic or any RTL language.

    I have tested by applying Arabic language to the website from Settings >> General and its working absolutely fine on my end.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/stK56mZ

    Please clear cache and check back. I hope my explanation is clear enough for you to understand the working.

    Best Regards.


    Artem Temos


    We received a negative review from you recently. Have you got any issues still not solved? As we can see, all your topics are already replied and there are no any bugs reported. Why you are not satisfied with our theme? If you need, we can return your money back if you request a refund here https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new




    That’s theme 100%100 good choice to us but please look our problems.
    We are asking we are telling the problems but we can’t repair it ..
    i will share our admin & password login

    We are choose the base rtl but our problems is going .
    Anythign don’t change.
    We are want the small somethings…… Just we bought your theme and we wanna use base rtl ……….. ı bought this theme . and i wanna use this theme . please make your job and help me.
    please look at my screenshouts . don’t trick me..
    Awan taking the menus and dropping right side and then it tell me ..
    “Please change the theme language
    İ wanna use Base rtl ….
    PLease make it ….. or i will bought your theme again and again and agian adn i will make comment everyday. this is not threatening, enlighten peoples…….


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we answered all your questions including this one. You didn’t set RTL language for your WordPress installation. You need to change the language in WordPress settings before enabling RTL in our theme.

    And it is not fair from your side to abuse the rating system to force us to make the job for you. We always provide support regarding our theme. Please, remove your rating or we will report this accident to the Envato team.



    please step by step tell me how can i use base rtl theme like orginal template and i will change the rate but please step by step tell me now i am choose the base rtl but still menu is the left side


    Artem Temos

    1. Go to WordPress -> Settings -> General

    2. Change the language to some RTL language you need.

    Then we will check if it will not work.



    i did but problem is going anyhting not change


    Artem Temos

    But you have set Turce language https://gyazo.com/3dd937c74de149d7916296f8374023d4
    This language is not RTL but LTR. Why do you expect RTL direction on your website?


    Artem Temos

    Do you still have questions related to RTL?
    Base RTL version should be used for RTL languages only. In your case, you need to use our default base version and not the RTL version.

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