Hi there, can you please help? Your theme is great, but I stumbled upon an issue I cannot resolve.
I am changing the “Registration Text”, but it does not change on the first Registration Tab. Here is what happens:
– I have changed the “Registration Title” to “Sign Up”, and “Login title” changed to “Log In”. I changed “Registration Text” as shown on the screenshot. (see Capture 1 – Login Setting.JPG).
– when I click “Login/Register” in the top menu, I am seeing page https://independent.wine/my-account/?action=register. The form title should be “Sign Up” but it is “Register”. “A password will be sent to your email address…” etc. (Capture 1 – Login Result.JPG)
– When I click button “Login”, the tabs change: “Registration Title” now is “Sign Up”, with the text that I entered. But the “Login title” is now wrong: it is “Login” but it should be “Log In”.
– Why the first Registration Title does not change to “Sign Up”? How can I change it? How can I change the text?
– Why does the “Login title” not change to “Log In”? How can I change it?
Extra question:
– How can I add a link for “Lost Password?” under the button “Login” on the “Log In” tab?
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