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Basel theme doesn't work (conflict with Redux)

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  • #85216


    Hey, we were recently contracted to implement some updates on a client site using Basel but came across some issues when integrating the Woocommerce aspect (originally this site was built without the e-commerce part activated).

    – Add to Cart is not showing up on product pages
    – Variant / Variable product drop-down / selection not showing.
    – Works only when redux is disabled (breaks the styling of the theme) or on a fresh WordPress / Basel install (redux installed).

    When the Redux plugin is active the add to cart, and variant / variable product selection does not display.

    We can get those sections to display only when Redux is disabled, activating a different theme (Storefront), or on a fresh WordPress + Basel install.

    We’ve tried updating the plugins/theme, triple checking all settings as well as a bunch of variations but there seems to be a conflict between the theme and Redux.

    Since this site is already built it is important that we don’t need to do a fresh install / disable Redux.

    Thanks for any help regarding this issue.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting our support.

    Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Shop > Catalog mode, make sure this mode has been disabled.

    If the Catalog mode has been disabled but you still have the problem, please provide your site admin access for checking.

    Best Regards

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