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Basic Hover

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  • #282649


    When you look at the best sellers on line, who somehow dictate the rule (Amazon, Walmart, Zalando, Asos, etc), either there is no hover … or the hover is simply the 2nd product image apparearing.
    I did not find any of those 2 options.
    If Hover image is OFF, there is a still a hover effect.
    And unfortunately, not possible to have 2nd image.
    Is there a way to optimize this feature?
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce them on your website.

    Thank you in advance.



    As of now, this is it:
    There is a hover effect. It’s clear that I can change it, but then, I would be happy either with option 1 or 2 below:

    Option 1:
    No Hover effect at all

    Option 2:
    Exactly like there is in Basel: Disable – Enable hover image for products on the shop page. Here, it’s simply the 2nd image which is appearing in the grid, like this:

    Between those 2 options, take the one which is the most simple for you, or the one you believe to be the most interessant for your customers. All in all, those 2 are the practice of best sellers on-line … those who have a lot of research budget to measure what is the most efficient.

    From the same perspective, if I am not wrong, there is a useless Hover effect on blog images:
    The 3 dots are appearing and … nothing else … till my settings are correct

    Thanks in advance for helping
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    In this case, we recommend you select some default hover effect that looks much simpler in our Theme Settings https://prnt.sc/11fhrd1

    Kind Regards

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