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Best settings for WP ROCKET

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  • #61441


    Hey there,
    I really like this plugin because it can make your website run really fast.
    But i have an issue with your theme and it.
    When it is activated and i want to save a product it goes to lost Connection to server and it makes a browser save. This is very strange because i haven’t had this issue with previous theme.
    Atm i have all js css html minification activated via theme settings and no cache.
    But if i manage to find the issue with woocommerce can you please tell me what to exclude from theme js / css ?
    I consider it’s not ok to double minification so i will let your theme to minify by default.
    Waiting for whitelist or other settings i should do on wp rocket.
    Thanks in advance.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please describe your first problem in a bit more details? Provide us a list of steps how to reproduce it. And send us your admin access so we can check how it works with default WordPress theme.

    As for the minification, we usually use WP Super Cache plugin and Better WordPress minify and we don’t have any required settings for the WP Rocket plugin.




    Yea sure, for ex wp rocket is activated and i want to save a product/ a page then it goes in saving loop and connexion timeout to server.
    IF i deactivated it everything is working properly.
    Also i have an issue on mobile. Sometimes when i click on 2nd link it actually goes to first item of the menu (i think it’s css mess or smth).
    Beside this any chance to move product label hot/new to the right instead of left?


    Artem Temos

    Please, install some default WordPress theme in Appearance -> Themes so we can check how it should work.

    Here is a CSS code to move labels to the right side

    div.product-labels {
    	right: 7px;
    	left: auto;


    Thanks. Really appreciate it.
    I found a big issue with mobile menu.
    Hope you can help.
    Bassically i thought it was causing from widget after mobile but after checking your demo appears to be default.
    So when choosing the menu from header the search doesn.t appear and menu button mess up like i said in first comment.
    But if you scroll down and choose menu from sticky header then everything works perfectly.
    In your demo if i want to go to shop it.s actually go to home page.
    Same thing happened on my website.
    Depending how you scroll can influence the menu.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I have checked header menu both default and sticky. Also, I have checked the mobile menu. I see search there. http://prntscr.com/jri2tc

    I pressed a few menu items they work properly on all the menu types.

    Best Regards



    Please scroll down and up. And the issue will appear. Like i said i’ve tested on your website too.



    So when choosing the menu from header the search doesn.t appear

    Where do you expect the search should appear?

    menu button mess up like i said in first comment.

    Do you mean placing all these elements http://prntscr.com/jrjd4m in one row?

    But if you scroll down and choose menu from sticky header then everything works perfectly.

    I checked menu and it works properly on mobile and on sticky

    Best Regards



    I’ll leave a short video regarding this issue with mobile menu.
    The thing is when i scroll back up the search goes behind sticky header and all elements (menu and widget menu) are not where it should be. And for ex if i press shop it will go to home.
    Strange behaviour.

    Lolz i think it was from old theme strings/settings somehow it conflict with your theme. I’ve deleted all string from phpmyadmin and now everything works perfectly on mobile menu. 😛

    But untill then i have a big issue with WOO Product Bundle.
    First every bundle that i make have sale badge on it.
    2nd on image gallery threre undefined 404 error.
    I have search on forums and i saw 2 more ppl with same error but no fix.
    Can you please tell me what should i do regarding this?




    Forgot to leave you product bundle test.


    Artem Temos


    We need your admin and FTP access to troubleshoot this error.



    Sure, details bellow.
    But what happens on future theme updates? Won’t the settings be overwrite?
    Let me know what files your modify so i can backup.


    Artem Temos

    You give us access to some other website. Where can we see the problem there?



    This is the actual website. The first one was a copy of this one.
    I’ve changed the product layout so i won’t got that errors.
    But the sale bage is still present.


    Artem Temos

    Send us a direct link to the product with the problem you got with product images.



    This one, but you need to change the layout with thumbs on down.
    Also can you fix that issue with extra product when sticky cart is on ?



    Ah forgot to ask how fast does the search seems to you?
    for ex: type rochie / trusou


    Artem Temos

    To fix this issue you need to edit the file plugins/woocommerce-product-bundles/templates/single-product/bundled-item-image.php and change CSS classes as shown on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/jry7mm

    What issue do you have with the sticky add to cart?

    Search speed doesn’t depend on our theme and it is a WooCommerce mechanism.



    Aslo on product bundle there is the sale badge that is always on.
    IF i go to to css and remove the label it will also remove from sales products.

    If you go here for ex: link in private https://imgur.com/a/4o8MUuG
    I’m using for extra option on many of my products.

    Regarding search speed: i know it’s server related but i though that i can do some tweaking to be more instant like yours demo.
    Maybe a precache or something like that.


    Artem Temos

    Here is a CSS code to hide the sale badge

    .product-type-bundle .product-image-summary .product-images .labels-rounded .product-label.onsale {
    	display: none;

    As for the sticky add to cart, you need to disable it since it will not work correctly for such kind of product.



    Ok thanks. I have tested on product bundle and there is still that issue 🙁

    https://imgur.com/a/ukqcN6z – css added no luck 🙁


    Artem Temos

    Try to disable all caching plugins. As for the CSS, it will work for single product page only. For the shop page, it can be disabled globally only.



    1. Oh… that is not good ( referring to sale badge 🙁 ) if i disable global won’t show percent off on actual sales products.

    2. https://imgur.com/a/frLRNyJ -> cache plugin (Wp rocket) disabled and cache deleted


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, the CSS classes are still not changed https://gyazo.com/cb58fb0fe3d632247452e09b408f83a4



    Hmm … i don’t know like i said all cache disabled and deleted.
    But as i saw on your screenshoot i understand that those images on right (bundle products) should be on owl carousel ?



    Something like this: https://imgur.com/a/Cpc2Wzn


    Artem Temos

    But you didn’t change the file we sent you http://prntscr.com/jrzg1k



    Sorry my bad…i thought you have changed it via ftp :D.
    Done now is working perfectly. 😀
    Thanks really appreciate it.


    Artem Temos

    Oh.. great 🙂 We are glad you sorted this out.

    Kind Regards

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