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Bike Demo missing Bike Slider

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  • #72480


    Hi, Wondering where or how am I supposed to import the Bike Slider. I tried doing through the theme’s importer. I imported the Bike option and i see all the other sliders but not the bike slider demo.



    You have out-to-date Woodmart core plugin that is why bike slider has not been imported correctly. It is not Revolution slider. This is other slider http://prntscr.com/ki6v4d

    1. Navigate to Appearance > Install plugins > Woodmart Core > update

    2. Import the Bike demo again the slider will appear.

    Best Regards



    As you can see the homepage bike slider is not the correct one.



    What version should the Core be up to date with? I recently did this before updating a few days ago.



    I tried the import again, I was able to successfully import the Bike Slider demo. I must of imported just before the update to the Woodmart Core. Thanks


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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