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Blog analysis of many themes

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  • #259095

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    Have you seen this test done on many themes by woocart shopping very poor performance of woodmart.

    What do you think about it? If the test is reliable, what do you plan to do about it?



    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Im send you this because there is a facebook page is talking about it, and its not giving you a good publicity at all.

    And im also interested for myself because IF this test is accurate, then it means there are serious problems in the theme being 2/3x slower than Astra



    There is a great variety of dirty promotions tricks, the most popular and the most frequently used is one where one writes an analytical essay comparing different products, showing his own product better than competitors ones.

    This text cannot be considered as a resolution on our theme speed.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Thanks you can close this ticket

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