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Blog page only visiable for members

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  • #584950


    My blog page full content is only accessible to members, how do I fix that at backend?



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Here is the login details:



    Please update the new version of the theme “WOODMART WordPress NEW: 7.5.2 RELEASED”, update the required plugin, and check the option.

    If the issue remains, turn off all of the plugins not related to the theme, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    If the issue still remains, let me know and I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, the problem still persists can you check that for me? thanks.



    You are using a very old version of the theme and not updating the theme. Please update the new version of the theme “WOODMART WordPress NEW: 7.6 RELEASED”, update the required plugin, and check the option.

    If the issue remains, turn off all of the plugins not related to the theme, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    If the issue still remains, let me know and I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards

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