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blog posts displayed in rows, same heights

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  • #230717

    [email protected]

    hey guys,

    is there a way to display the blog posts in a row ( without the masonry style )? having 3 columns with the same widh and height ?

    url of the website on te private content




    Yes, you can change the current style in the Theme Settings > Blog.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Hello Elise,

    Sorry, I’m not talking about that one.

    I’m using the module blog ( as attached ), but I canĀ“t see the option to put things in a row with the same height and 3 columns

    let me know

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    The Blog element has the same set of design as the Theme Settings have: https://prnt.sc/ute0r1

    Please click “Blog” on our demo site to see the demo of all the options: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/

    Best Regards

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