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Bottom Header sticky

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  • #573309


    Hi Woodmart Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on my website, totalcare.cy, and I need some assistance with the bottom header.

    Here’s the requirement:

    1) I want the bottom header to be sticky only up to the hero section and only on the home page.
    2) For all other sections and pages on the website, the bottom header should not be sticky.

    Could you please provide me with the custom CSS or guide me on how to achieve this configuration? Your support would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your help!


    Hung Pham

    Hi DJLS1997,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Provide me with the mockup of the styles that you try to achieve and we’ll send proper instructions if it’s possible.

    Thanks for your patience.




    I want the circled section(image attached) to be sticky in the hero section(image attached 2) even when scrolling down. Things to keep in mind, I want it to be sticky untill the hero section on home page only and nowhere else.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi DJLS1997,

    Thanks for mockups.

    Unfortunately, it requires complicate customization to make it works, which is out of our basic support.

    Thanks for our limitations.




    Can you get me the correct css class for the bottom header and the hero section ?


    Hung Pham

    Hi DJLS1997,

    This is class for Bottom header: .whb-header-bottom.whb-not-sticky-row

    And this is class for Hero section: . elementor-widget-wd_slider


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