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boxed header but to not overlap

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    I had set up on my site a boxed header with overlap, as i use a picture for the page title background on most pages.

    However i can’t use the boxed header on the product pages, as they dont have page titles apparently (didn’t find the setting in woodmart).

    How can i set a boxed header but to not be overlapping the content? Because from the header builder the boxed header setting appears only when overlap is checked.

    Or maybe you can guide me how to use the overlapped header but put top-margin on the product page? because i cant seem to be able to lower that content. And this is risky because i have to apply that to every media querry.

    Thank you.



    You need to clone this header in the Header builder (you can clone the header when you create a new one), then disable overlap: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/enable-header-overlap/ and then set it for the single product: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/theme-settings-panel/#single_product

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I did this already.

    As i said, when i disable overlap, it also disables the Boxed setting.
    If i keep the overlap i have to bring down every product page content..i just want the boxed header on every page on my site, including product pages.



    Please provide the product page URL we will check how we can solve this issue.

    Best Regards






    When the header is configured overlap/boxed globally as shown: https://prnt.sc/23oylcu and used as default, it is shown on all the pages and is adopted appropriately for the single product page: https://prnt.sc/23oze7k

    At the same time, when you set such a header in the Theme Settings for the Single Product: https://prnt.sc/23oz1j6 the overlap boxed header is not adopted automatically.

    You need to set “none” in the Theme Settings for Single Product.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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