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Brand Logos are Gone

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  • #72883


    Hi, I was using your basic template and all the brand logos were showing… they disappeared and a txt was on our home page saying something like go to bla bla to configure brands.. I’ve tried every possible configuration but no logos now…

    The logos should be in the megamenu ( you will see where there are just links ) and on the home page lower down. Please advise. Really liked how that looked.




    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and contacting us.

    1/ You have Attribute “Brand” http://prntscr.com/j93jtw Create all the Brands inside and insert an image into “mage preview for this value”

    2/ Display your brands by means of Brand element http://prntscr.com/kj1354 in an HTML block and then choose the HTML in the menu item as described here: https://xtemos.com/documentation/woodmart/ Delete submenu items.

    Best Regards



    That is not working. I am using the “Brands” element and on the page it is still just showing links and not the image and it is pulling from categories instead of just from the Brands attribute.



    I figured it out. You have to also go to Theme Settings, Shop and Brands. For the brand attribute select pa_brand.



    Yes, you are right.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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