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Broken homepage

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  • #208748


    In few days ago, I noticed that pictures are not showing, on hover there is no short description on products and also burger menu in mobile version is not working.

    I disabled lazy loading and pictures works. But other probless still there.

    Can you please check what cause a problem?



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    Best Regards



    Problem still there.

    Please see private content.



    When I deactivated plugins it was working for a while, but when I refresh the page or visit more pages and than retrieve to home page, problem is back.

    But in admin acces view, there are no problems visible. It is only for users or my on inkognito mode.



    Please provide the product URL which I can test. Please confirm the permit to deactivate the plugins for the while of checking it may take 10-15 minutes.

    Best Regards



    https://fishin.sk/ This is the home page. There are featured products and when I hover on them, there should be short description and add to card button. Also mobile version, burger menu is not working. If I enable lazy loading, pictures are not showing. I found those issues only on homepage.

    Yes you can, if everyting will work again in good condition 🙂



    I can not log in your site. https://prnt.sc/tcrene

    Best Regards



    From which country are you trying to log in?



    I am from Ukraine. Please disable this feature for a while as some other team members may require to check.

    Best Regards



    Try now please 🙂



    Do you mean the picture should change on hover? I am checking the site and the picture is showing on the hover. https://gyazo.com/14e96cb35066a758cb50f6018c972a8c

    Best Regards



    Sometimes it doesn’t work, especially if you browse on website and than come back. Try to enable lazy loading and you will hee all pictures from home page will dissapear. Also try to check burger menu in mobile version. If it work in first attempt, try to browse the website a bit and than go back to homepage and it will not work again.



    Have you checked how it works when you deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme? Take the time to watch if the problem occurs in these conditions for a period of time.

    Best Regards



    Yes I have tried but it still persist. What can cause the problem? I think it is huge problem. Since that problem we don’t have any orders on website. Burger menu on mobile is the most important problem we face right now. Try to look in inkognito mode.

    Please look in picture below, When user click on burger menu there is just # in link but nothing opens.



    Please confirm the permit to deactivate the plugins for the while of checking, it may take 15 minutes max.

    Best Regards



    Yes and if possible do it in evening hours (CET time), please dont deactivate WP webpay.



    i mean don’t deactivate GP web pay



    I am checking the site and I do not see these problems: when I hover a product I see the short description: https://gyazo.com/430c14ecc049adac9cc3d995d3994a58

    I am checking the site on mobile https://gyazo.com/00d0777041a02944a106924299e24d05

    I have tested the incognito mode:https://gyazo.com/01befacfe411e25ec5fdd56b6576623a and https://gyazo.com/f16eee0ab27b871dd695fa21e23f01ba

    Please advise what steps can I take to reproduce the problem. Please specify the device you are viewing the site from?

    Best Regards


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