Home Forums WoodMart support forum [BUG] Duplicate price for variable product

[BUG] Duplicate price for variable product

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  • #167276


    Hello, we discovered a bug with duplicate price for variable product option, we have setup a specific page for our sales and we have add Products (grid or carousel) block with WP Bakery to display only products that are in sale. the problem is that its not display all sale products but only 7 products, we tried to deactivate all plugins that are not related with the theme but its hard do find where its conflict, when we disable all plugins we set to off the Duplicate price for variable product, after that we enable all plugins and all sale products was display correct, then we enable again the Duplicate price for variable product option and most of products are dissapear again and it shows only 7 again, we need an specific lookup to find why this is happend because we tried all methods enable/deactivate plugins, themes one by one but we can’t find from where it comes. thank you in advance


    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us a link to your website where we can see this issue? Also, send us some screenshots of the problem for a better explanation.

    Kind Regards



    yes sure!

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    Artem Temos

    Could you please create a similar page but use WooCommerce standard Sale Products element and test with a default theme?



    yes i created one for you, btw i have already tried this and its just display the same products as the one with the bug


    Artem Temos

    So do you mean that the issue happens with the default theme as well? Then it is not our theme bug or issue and not related to duplicate price option.



    i not have tried with another theme because the website is live, just give me some minutes to check it and i will reply soon



    Ok i find the from where the conflict it comes, it was a plugin that we use for scheduling prices so it was activated and somehow its conflict with variations products. anyway we discard this pluginso its all ok now, thank you you can close this post


    Artem Temos

    Fine, we are glad that you sorted it out.

    Kind Regards

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