I think I’ve found a bug with your theme on my website. This might sound a bit confusing but can easily be replicated by following these steps. Please let us know if it’s our website. I’ve removed the website domain from the links and included it in the private content.
1. Go to a brand page like this one: https://REMOVED/brand/genesis/
2. Select any shop category from the shop banner (the one with icons on – I’d recommend ‘Bikes’ as it has enough products to enable the pagination)
3. Try using the pagination – it takes me to this page (https://REMOVED/product-category/bikes/page/2/?_pjax=.main-page-wrapper) which as a logged out user displays the page broken but as an admin works fine.
I’ve also noticed that the Ajax pagination does not work when on the brand pages but does work on the other shop pages. I think this might be related.
Brand page (doesn’t work): https://REMOVED/brand/genesis/
Other shop page (does work): https://REMOVED/clearance/
Any ideas guys?