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Bug: Layered Nav attribute widget

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  • #273194


    Hi, ive noticed a bug in the Woodmart Woocommerce layered nav widget (when displaying in specific categories). If you have categories named like this where two parent categories hold child categories of the same name (like below)…:

    Mass Produced (parent cat)
    – Jewellery (subcat, slug: jewellery)

    Hand Made (parent cat)
    – Jewellery (subcat, slug: jewellery-handmade)

    ..Then when you search for the category only one entry for Jewellery appears and if you select it then the filter does not appear (under jewellery subcat in “mass produced” or “hand made” parent cats)

    The widget seems to be identifying categories in the search feature by name rather than slug, this is not the correct way to do it, should always be using unique identifier.

    Do you have a workaround for this as its crucial It be fixed?

    Many thanks.



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area. I will check how it works on your site.

    Best Regards



    Hi, I can’t give admin access unfortunately, but there is nothing unusual about my setup.

    You can replicate this easily locally. Just add 2 child cats of same name to two different parent cats and try and add layered nav, the child cat will only show once, and it won’t work if you select it. 🙂 It uses cat name, not ID or Slug.



    Eg your categories and subcats like this;



    Add layered nav to shop widget and try and search and add “cars”



    Please make the full backup of your site as well as the Theme settings export and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem.

    The product category widget is the Woocommerce functionality and our theme dos not influence its performance.

    Best Regards



    WoodMart Layered Nav is a woodmart feature.. Changing themes would not help diagnose this because If i changed themes i would not be able to use woodmart layered nav..

    Have you replicated the issue using the steps I described above?



    The product categories widget is the Woocommerce functionality.

    WoodMart Layered Nav is the attribute filter widget it does not filter the categories, it is WoodMart widget, however, this widget is based on the Woocommerce functionality.

    Please clarify the issue.

    Best Regards



    Have you attempted to replicate my issue using the steps I gave you?

    See attached. I have TWO subcategories named Clothing & Footwear. Each subcat is under a different parent cat. But WOODMART layered nav will only display one. And if i select that one it then disappears because it doesnt know which subcat im referring to. WOODMART Layered nav seems to be identifying by names, not by slug or ID, so it is only showing one result, and if i select that result it doesnt work. It works absolutely fine if the subcat name does not appear in any other parent cats.

    This is not a woocommerce issue. This is a woodmart issue. It is woodmart functionality.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    If you select one sub-category the products would be displayed in this category (sub-category) only. If you want to show the product in two sub-categories no matter they relate to one parent category or different, you need to select to sub-categories from the drop-down list. This is the way it works. It works correctly. It should not show the product in a sub-category if it has not been selected.

    Best Regards



    Sorry but you are not understanding the issue.. I know how the layered nav works, I am saying it is not working properly..

    I have two sub categories of the same name. Eg

    – New (parent cat)
    –Clothing & Footwear (subcat)

    – Used (parent cat)
    –Clothing & Footwear (subcat)

    Now if i try and add Clothing & Footwear to the Layered Nav only one of those sub categories will appear in the search (as my screenshot shows). Then if I select the one Clothing & Footwear entry that appears it doesnt save.

      This is a bug with layered nav.

    Could you please try and replicate the issue as I requested previously? It will take you two minutes to create subcats of same name and add to layered nav to test… Then you will see what I mean.



    We shall add the different titles in the nearest update, which would be released within a week or two.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your response. Could you confirm that you have replicated the issue and you can see the issue I am talking about?

    Could you please notify me here when that fix is deployed?

    Many thanks.



    Yes, we confirm http://prntscr.com/10s8quq

    This feature would be added to the nearest update.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi, thanks for your response. I was wondering if there was any update on this? Do you have an ETA on when this fix will be released?

    Many thanks.



    The new update is to be released this week. You will get the notification on email and you will see the notice in the Dashboard > Updates.

    Best Regards



    Ok thanks, I eagerly await the update 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise, many thanks, this is working. Although it would be excellent if we could add by cat ID, I have over 1000 categories and the layered nav widget is only applying to parent and 1x subcat.



    We will add ID near the category in the update: https://prnt.sc/128jeue

    Best Regards



    Awesome, thanks 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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