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Bug: Missing Option in Xtemos Elementor Widget

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  • #355957



    I recognized, that there is a missing an option within the Xtemos Elementor widget “Brands”.
    On our locally installed Woodmart site with demo content (that isn’t updated so often) the option to select brands was still available. Updating Woodmart and Elementor Free didn’t make a change. But after updating Elementor Pro from 3.3.1 to 3.6.2 it has been gone as you can see on the two screenshots, combined in the attachment.

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    There is a compatibility problem with the latest Elementor PRO update. This issue will be fixed in the next update.

    Best Regards




    I recognized another bug within that widget and hope it’s ok to also post it here.

    When no image is saved within the attribute (via the Woodmart theme specific field), the brand is usually shown as text instead of an image.
    But there is a situation where this doesn’t work:

    I added an image field “taxbanner” via Advanced Custom Fields for the taxonomy “brands”.
    When an image is linked via this custom field and no image is linked via the Woodmart image field, there is only an empty link area.

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    Could you please provide the steps to reproduce the issue to check it myself and help you out accordingly?

    Best Regards


    1. Install ACF
    2. “Custom Fields > Add New”
    3. Location: “Show this field group if Taxonomy is equal to Brand”
    4. Add Field: “Label: Headerbanner / Name: taxbanner / Type: Image”
    5. “Products > Attributes > Brand”
    6. Select one attribute
    7. Add an image for “Headerbanner”
    8. Ensure, that no “Image preview for this value” is selected

    For this brand attribute, the linked area within the “brands” Elementor widget is empty.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Thora.

    Artem Temos


    Please, update the theme to the latest version 6.3.1 and check how it works.

    Kind Regards




    even with the current version 6.3.3 the bug still exists.

    I recognized that there is no coherence with the ACF plugin.
    The link is empty for every updated or added brand with no “Image preview for this value”.

    When I added the “brands” Elementor Widget for the first time everything seems fine. But when I delete this widget now and add it again, the old entries with empty links are still shown without text.

    For testing purpose I deactivated all plugins except Elementor Pro, WooCommerce und Woodmart Core (now activated again).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Thora.

    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us some screenshots of this particular problem and send us steps to reproduce it?

    Kind Regards


    1. Add a “Brands” widget to an Elementor page
    2. Edit a shown brand or add a brand to show
    3. Click the “Save” button without any changes (especially without “Image preview for this value”)
    4. Now the brand is shown as an empty area, as you can see here

    I changed the settings within the Elementor Widget, but this bug is always visible (except for the text only setting “Style > Layout: List”).


    Artem Temos

    We tried to edit the 3m brand but the widget is still displayed correctly. Could you please record a short video demonstrating this problem?



    You should only save a brand without changes at step 3, when no “Image preview for this value” is associated (and only the text is shown within the widget – or a blank area because of this bug).

    For brands with an associated “Image preview” (as it is for 3m in your example) you have to delete this association, when editing the brand, to get the blank area bug.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please send us your FTP access?




    I have added a new FTP account for you.


    Artem Temos

    We have fixed this on your side and will include the fix in our next theme update. Please, check how it works now.



    Thank you very much!


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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