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Bug on Single Product Page for variable products

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  • #401783



    there is a bug for the current theme version:

    When to see:
    1. Change the active tab on single product page to another than “Description”
    2. Select a new product variation

    Now the content of the “Description” tab (red) is shown above the regular tab content (blue dashed) as you can see on the screenshot.

    In the current demo at https://woodmart.xtemos.com (Woodmart 6.5.0, WordPress 5.9.1, WooCommerce 6.4.0) the error does not occur yet.

    For testing purposes I installed Woodmart 6.5.4 (with Elementor and demo content) under a freshly installed WordPress 6.0.2 with WooCommerce 6.8.2 without any other plugins and customizations and the error occurs here as well.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Thora.
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    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    You’ll find the login below.



    This order of tabs is the default provided by Woocommerce.

    When your variable product consists of both size and color, you need to select both to add to the cart.

    I have checked and it works properly. Please describe the problem in actions step by step to see.

    Best Regards




    please read my explanation again, there is already everything said.
    Also, the screenshot shows the error in the large, red framed area.

    It is not about the shopping cart button, but the incorrect display of the tab contents!

    1. Go to single product page of a variable product.
    2. Change active tab to another than “Description”.
    3. Select one or more variant attributes.

    Now the “Description” tab content (which should not be visible, because it is still not active!) is displayed above the actual tab content.

    Both tab content divs are set to “display: block;” at the same time:

    < div class=”entry-content woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel–description wd-active panel wc-tab” id=”tab-description” role=”tabpanel” aria-labelledby=”tab-title-description” data-accordion-index=”description” style=”display: block;” >

    < div class=”entry-content woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel–reviews panel wc-tab wd-single-reviews wd-layout-two-column” id=”tab-reviews” role=”tabpanel” aria-labelledby=”tab-title-reviews” data-accordion-index=”reviews” style=”display: block;” >

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Thora.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Thora.


    Sorry for the delay.

    I have submitted the case to our development department. We will get back to you asap.

    We do hope for understanding.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your patience.

    Our developers have checked and suggest applying the 397431 patch. We have applied and it works now, please check.

    Let us know if any problems remain.

    Best Regards




    thank you very much, now it works.

    I had actually not had the Woodmart Patcher on the screen anymore. In my opinion it would be useful to mark patch updates more prominent. I will add this to the “Feature Requests” thread.


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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