Home Forums WoodMart support forum BUG: Open Categories Menu should push Sidebar down instead of blocking it

BUG: Open Categories Menu should push Sidebar down instead of blocking it

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  • #18521


    On pages with “Open Categories Menu” Selected ON … The Sidebar underneath needs to be pushed down so that nothing is hidden or covered up behind the Open Categories Menu that cannot be closed.

    Graphic explanation of the problem:

    Here is an example from another theme where this is properly done:


    Artem Temos


    Please, provide links to your website and to the site with the example so we can analyze both variants.




    sure … check private content for my url

    and you can compare to:

    or a product page:

    you will notice that in either of these pages, that if you open or close the dropdown category menu .. it will move/displace the sidebar below it appropriately instead of block its view.


    Artem Temos

    The example you send has this menu added to the sidebar and it will not work on pages without sidebar like this

    or with page heading block like this https://gyazo.com/956dd86332de6bf8a5cbba006aade4e0

    Here is a solution we can propose you:

    1. Disable option to always show this categories dropdown on the shop and single product page.

    2. Add Vertical mega menu widget to your shop and product pages sidebar in Appearance -> Widgets and then it will be always opened.

    And you will be able to keep your header menu opened on the home page only.

    Kind Regards



    Yeah, thats not going to work too well for our purpose .. the design was supposed to flow with the top menu. Plus we were going to have the sidebar on the homepage too, which would have the same problem.


    Artem Temos

    We understand but our header categories menu is not connected with sidebar and work absolutely in a different way. You can see it on our demo website as well.



    Understood, but I asked if you have this option in themeforest comments and you said yes, but you did not say it blocked over other content. I think you have a great theme, with just a few hiccups. Otherwise its the most feature-complete theme we’ve seen.

    Still ..If you cannot fix, may I request refund?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we can accept your refund if it doesn’t fit your needs.



    Okay .. FYI, we are not refund-junkies.

    so, let me tinker around to see if I can come up with a suitable workaround with my partner (we do love the theme) … and then, if not, then and only then will we ask for a refund. Thank you for understanding.


    Artem Temos

    Of course, we appreciate your decision. Feel free to contact us if you will have any additional questions.

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