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Bugs since the new update

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  • #414485

    Chaleur Naturelle


    Since the theme update, I have bugs on the shop page –> https://chaleur-naturelle.fr/categorie/radiateur-electrique/

    Screenshots of the bugs are attached. There is also a screenshot of what it looked like before (screenshot called “before”).

    NB : there is no bug when you are logged in.

    Thank you for solving this issue.

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    Chaleur Naturelle

    Second issue : how do I remove the “login/register” on the mobile menu (screenshot attached)

    I do not need that on my website (and it is not translated)

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    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Thank you Elise! Here you have all the info

    NB: the problems DON’T appear when you are logged in (they appear in normal navigation)

    There are 2 problems to sum up:
    1/ on the boutique page ->coloris : https://chaleur-naturelle.fr/categorie/radiateur-electrique/
    2/ on the mobile menu, how to remove the “login/register”


    Chaleur Naturelle

    And there are other design problems on the boutique page (see screenschot). It ‘s a bit of a mess

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    Chaleur Naturelle

    One more problem…

    the tag (Google Tag manager and Google Ads) have disappeared with the update… I do not find the place where I can put them in the <head> dans <body> of each page.

    Thank you for all your answers!


    Chaleur Naturelle

    the issues have been solved by my developers



    We are glad you have solved the issue.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Hello Elise,

    I still have the “login/register” that I do not need on the mobile menu. I do not know how to remove it.

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    Please check this screen and configure the same to all the headers used on your site: https://gyazo.com/1215d6b48055af8d1c12f317194a101a

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Thank you for your answer but the login /register stays even when you turn off everything.

    And I have a second question, I would like the photo (second screenshot) to be displayed differently on the screen. I have changed ‘background position” but nothing is changing

    Thank you for your answers!

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    I am checking the mobile menu and I do not see Login /Register: https://gyazo.com/a73c3afea3060df381fae7eb9afac09b

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Ok thank you for having checked. Maybe it was the cache.

    Concerning my second question, do you know how to change the position of the photo. I would like the photo to be displayed differently on the screen. I have changed ‘background position” but nothing is changing

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    Chaleur Naturelle

    here you have the screenshot of what I’m trying to do. I would like to give more free space at the top of the photo (to “pull down” the photo)

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    Chaleur Naturelle

    Moreover, about this image, I would like to move it according to the size of the screen (->responsive image : see this link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HyIj22S4kGKQJCVCXhZgoRScb9k8FEI1/view?usp=sharing). When the screen is small, we no longer see the stone

    Currently I need to have a version for mobile and smartphone and I would like to do one version for my landing pages. How can I do to make this background responsive ?



    You need to upload the proportional image and set “center center” in the position.

    For the mobile screen, you need to upload a separate image, try to upload a square proportional image, perhaps you will have to cart sides it should have a smaller size and be placed “center center”.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Thank you for your answer.

    1/ I have put “center – center” on background position. But it doesn’t change anything.

    2/ how do I upload a different image just for mobile? I have not seen that option on the menu.

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    Please provide the page URL and screen of the section where you try to set the background.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    The page is : chaleur-naturelle.fr

    The sections that I am modifying : https://www.loom.com/share/dfa49e133c6f4c078944a307707e972b

    2 issues
    1/ The image is sometimes correctly displayed (file: correctly_displayed). Sometimes it is not (file: poorly_displayed)

    2/ And second question: How do I display another photo for the mobile version?


    Chaleur Naturelle

    here are the screenshots (correctly_displayed and poorly_displayed)

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    Please select this option in all: https://prnt.sc/9SlXw_sKIxCu

    You can set different images for different devices in the Design options: https://gyazo.com/99322cb62fa3abd802ff4d86f6dbadde

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    Ok but it doesn’t change anything to put ‘center-center’ or ‘center-bottom’ or something else.

    For the mobile version, you cannot upload a different image to the background.

    I explain everything on this video




    This is the nature of the image on the background, if you change the theme and try to upload an image on the background to the row, you will see the same.

    You need to cut or edit the image in the way it would look nice on the site and then upload as the background.

    Best Regards

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