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button color

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  • #238094


    i want to change the color of the text in buttons to #ffd404 globally throughout my site but i don’t find any option to do so. can you please help with that.



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    You can change it by means of the custom selector in the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced Typography

    You can read our detailed documentation in the following links:

    Xtemos Studios.



    In that what i’ve to choose to change text on the buttons ? For add to cart, checkout,apply coupon,view,update basket…I want to change the text color of all these buttons to #ffd404…if possible can I get a css code to change color of for all of these buttons



    You need to target the classes of the buttons separately to set the color accordingly.

    Or you can try adding the following Custom CSS in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    For add to cart button:

    a.button.product_type_simple.add_to_cart_button.ajax_add_to_cart.add-to-cart-loop {
    	color: #ffd404;

    For checkout and apply coupon button:

    .btns-shop-light .cart-totals-inner .checkout-button {
    color: #ffd404;

    For Update cart button:

    .btns-default-dark .cart-actions .button[name=update_cart] {
    color: #ffd404;

    Xtemos Studios.



    Thank you..and is it possible to add sorting option in the mobile bottom nav bar?



    You are Most Welcome.

    Sorry, but you could not add the sorting button in the mobile bottom navbar.

    Xtemos Studios.



    And one last query is it possible to create multi select filter options ..cause default filter option are like radio buttons can able to fliter only one attribute at a time is there any options like check box for filter products



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings to make the filters as multiselect checkboxes.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios.



    Now I’m facing an issue..I’m using Terra wallet in woodmart it’s was working good but suddenly now the in the my account page when I select the wallet option it’s show 404page not found..but during checkout amount in the wallet gets deducted as wallet money but in my account the wallet option show 404



    Hey I got it resolved the wallet issue
    …have a good day


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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