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Button does not work only when its underlined??

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  • #188140


    Take a look at the pic, the round nice style button does NOT work, however when I switched it to Underlined, it works.

    Can you please log in and take a peak at this, as it totally messes up the whole look we were going for.

    Thank you.



    Please provide the page URL and screen with the problem. I am testing this button and it leads to the shop page as it should https://gyazo.com/454a8c19ba9589bd9beac856cc55d40c

    Best Regards



    I fixed it, I used another Button, the templates you have are nice but not all are fully functional. The one I chose, the button didnt work.



    Check how it works when all the plugins not related to the theme have been deactivated.

    Best Regards


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