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Cannot delete column

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  • #250896


    I have an issue that’s driving me nuts.
    I added a tab element to a page. It worked perfectly; however, there’s an annoying column on the page that I can’t seem to delete. I can see that it’s a column but can’t see where it says Videos and, when I delete it, the tabs are also removed. How can I remove the column marked “Videos” preceding the tabs?
    Attached please find back end & front end screen shots.
    Thanks in advance!

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    Please have a look at the screen: https://prnt.sc/w2pmug

    If you still need help provide your site admin access and page URL.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,
    Thank you for the response; however, what you suggested deleted the video tab. I want to keep all of the tabs…I only want to remove the word VIDEOS on the far left (see attached screenshot).
    I cannot see where this section is on the backend (see other screenshot).
    Again…I want to keep all of the tabs and all of the content in the tabs…just want to remove the word VIDEOS, which appears to be its own column.

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    Apologies…one of the files didn’t upload properly…please find it on this reply.



    Ugh…having trouble uploading the screenshot (it’s under the size limit). Hopefully it works this time! I’m only at 32KB.

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    Try to enter the Tabs element here: https://prnt.sc/w32789 and remove the title “Video”

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    AGAIN, it is not the tab or the tab title that I’m trying to edit. PLEASE take a look at the screenshot attached.
    There is another row that CANNOT BE SEEN ON THE BACK END, which is why you’re not seeing it when you look at the backend link. I can’t see it on the backend, which is why I need help deleting it; however, it’s visible on the front end. Please look at the attached screenshot. If it weren’t so time consuming to start over, I’d just start from scratch and completely redo the page.
    Thank you.

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    I figured it out!!
    Thanks for your tenacity, Elise.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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