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Can't edit footer widgets

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  • #126323


    Hi I have instaled woodmar theme and I can edit content of footer widgets anymore (custom text, custom HTML…). There is no editor for HTML or text anymore. I try to figure out where is problem but I don’t found solution.

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    The pre-footer area is edited in the Theme Settings > Footer > pre-footer area, you can find there a shortcode for HTML block, in this case, navigate to HTML blocks and edit.

    The main Footer is edited in Appearance > Widgets > Footer column 1, Footer column 2

    Best Regards



    I don’t use HTML blocks. I only chose numbers of block in footer settings, then I chose custom text and custom HTML widgets. The problem is that there is no code and text editor anymore. I can just reorder or remove widget I can’t change content of block anymore.



    When I switch to default wordpress theme I can use WordPress builtin editor. I think I can use this editor in woodmart before update.



    “The problem is that there is no code and text editor anymore. I can just reorder or remove widget I can’t change the content of block anymore.”

    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    “When I switch to default wordpress theme I can use WordPress builtin editor. I think I can use this editor in woodmart before update.”

    Our theme is not compatible with the editor you need to use WP Bakery page builder.

    Best Regards



    Problem solved Javascript parsing problem…


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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