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Can't see the pictures from variation image gallery

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  • #280462



    How can I show the pictures that I put into the variation image gallery on the front end product single page?

    Notice that if I add pictures on the Product gallery I can see in the front end product single page.

    I have attached 2 pictures.

    Thank you.

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    Please try adding gallery images to the product as well then clear cache and check back.

    Then the gallery images for the variations will also be displayed.

    Best Regards



    Hello, I add some gallery images to the product but again didn’t work properly.

    I can see the gallery images in the front end but when I chose a variation (colour: black or brown) then when I click the images it will not change.

    Can you check it, please?

    Thank you.



    Please try recreating the product and add images to the gallery to the product and then add images to the variations images gallery.

    And make sure that the option to enable the variation images gallery is enabled from Theme Settings >> Product page >> Images.

    And also make sure that the thumbnails are enabled.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/1187mpm

    Then clear cache and check back.

    Xtemos Studios




    #1. The Option Additional variations images was ON at Theme Settings >> Product page >> Images.

    #2. I recreate a new product with a name (variation test) add product image and gallery images and then add variation image and variation image gallery. But I can’t see the variation gallery images as I wrote in my first post.

    If you need to check it, I provide you with the credentials in the previous post. The website is at maintenance right now as I build it.



    I have logged into your website and tried creating a test product but it is displaying 404 error when trying to edit the product.

    Please check how it works with the default wordpress theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not.

    Because the products are woocommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence.

    Xtemos Studios



    I just find and restore your product from trash and work fine. I edit it and set the price at 100€.
    Maybe it was probably accidental.

    I never see any 404 error, 4 days now that I am working on the website. Could you try again, please?



    I have tried to login to your website again when I clicked login and it displayed the maintenance screen.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/11bzugo

    Please disable it to let me login to your website.

    Xtemos Studios




    I use “Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages by SeedProd” for the first time I hear that someone does not have access to wp-login.php

    I tried it in three different browsers and wp-login.php works normally without disabling the plugin.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/11c2e67

    Please try again.



    I have logged into your website and created a test product and added a gallery to variation images and it is working absolutely fine.

    Please clear cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/nrhmzBH

    Xtemos Studios.




    The problem didn’t solve.

    When I put a product in the Category: Uncategorized the variation image gallery works fine.
    But when I put a product into any Category, then the images didn’t work properly.

    I didn’t delete the user that I create for you. You can log in with the same credentials and see what I mean.

    Thank you.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I have logged into your website and added the testing product to a category and the variation image gallery is working fine.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/wJcdyxs

    Best Regards




    I see your product and yes work fine.
    But something not working well.
    I am testing the same product (product name: test2 boots). When I add in a category work fine and when I change it to another category didn’t work.

    If you do more tests, with different categories you will see it.

    Thank you.

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    I have logged into your website again and assigned the testing product to the same category you mentioned and the variation gallery is working fine.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/0CcbYnt

    Best Regards.




    Sorry if I am not clear, the category that you tested it work properly.

    I am testing all my 29 subcategories.
    It works properly in 7 subcategories.
    And not work properly in 22 sub-categories.
    The red line under sub-categories is those that didn’t work properly.

    Please do a test with more sub-categories, and you will see what I mean.

    Thank you

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    I saw the screenshots you attached and visited your website.

    The issue seems to be with the sub categories not our theme because it’s working absolutely fine with others.

    Please try recreating the sub-categories then clear cache and check back.

    Xtemos Studios




    I create some new sub-categories as you told me, also create a new product.
    I test the product in all-new sub-categories and didn’t work properly. (but it work fine in some old sub-categories, not all)

    Can you do your own test, please?
    You can create new categories and assign new products. The website isn’t live yet, because of that issue.

    I need to solve it fast, as I have that problem for almost 2 weeks.

    Thank you.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    It seems to be a bug in our theme. Try to go to Theme Settings -> Performance -> JS and enable “Advanced scripts controls” https://prnt.sc/11v2bkp
    Then activate this script https://prnt.sc/11v29nd

    Kind Regards



    It works, thank you Artem Temos


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!

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