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Can’t Selected Variations on Products – Major Issue!

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  • #527562



    We had to purchase 6 month support for this, just now.

    We are having a major issue which we see 2 other customers are having, too, on the latest update with both patches applied.

    The issue we see in console is: https://i.gyazo.com/074909bf74b227b1a58cff0d21ad5ebb.png

    The loader keeps loading in the variations section and doesn’t stop. We tested on different browsers including incognito, and it’s the same.

    We disabled all plugins except for Woo, Woodmart Core and WP Bakery, and the issue was still there. We then changed to the default theme and the problem went away, so we know this is a Woodmart theme issue, as we reverted back to the Woodmart theme and the issue came back too.

    We do not use swatches, and this issue only happens on variable products with more than 1 selectable option.

    Can you please help asap, as we are a busy site and losing out on sales, with customers emailing us constantly?



    In Firefox we also see: “Uncaught TypeError: e.additional_variation_images_default is undefined”



    Errm, we seemed to have fixed it with:-

    Shop > Variable Products -> Variations images -> Set “Additional variations images” to ON, and “Data storage method” to ‘Variations products meta’. Can also set AJAX variation threshold to “50”.

    But it’s odd as these products only have 1 main featured image?

    Do we need these options enabled, or will you produce a patch?



    It fixes with “Variations products meta”, but doesn’t fix if it is set to “Parent product meta”, or “Additional variations images” is set to OFF.

    We look forward to your update.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please recreate the issue on your website and send us your admin access so we can test it and see what is wrong?

    Kind Regards




    We already did disable all plugins apart from the 3 you tend to mention, and the issue was still there. It was only when we switched to default WP theme where it didn’t cause an issue. We also see 4 other customers having the same issue as us, and our fix worked for them too (for the ones that tried).

    However, we rather see a proper fix as a patch.

    As we don’t want to lose out on live sales, the best way is for you to simply make the theme option change when you login in. The process is:-

    Turn “Additional variations images” to OFF, and then go to the product link we sent in our original post. You’ll see the section where it shows the variations and price, and the script loader icon won’t stop spinning ever. Once you check the console error that appears, and have an understanding, you can then set “Additional variations images” back to ON with “Variations products meta” selected (this was the fix).

    Can you please provide your email address so we can give temp access?


    Artem Temos


    Try to apply patch #527979 and clear your browser cache. Let me know if it helps.

    Kind Regards



    Patch worked after clearing site cache, and turning “Additional variations images” to OFF. Thanks!


    Artem Temos

    Try to enable Additional variations images and let us check the issue on your website. It should work too.




    It’s switched on, now.

    It works now with all settings including “Data storage method” and “Variations products meta”.

    Please let us know when you’ve checked, as we’ve left on the “Variations products meta” setting for you.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, it works correctly on your website now. Please, test it from your end.

    Kind Regards



    Yes all works, now. Thank you.

    I assume we don’t need to use Additional variations images option, as all our variation products have only 1 image per individual variation?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, in your case you can disable this option completely.

    Kind Regards



    Perfect, thank a lot!

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