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Carousel Slider (Responsive)

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  • #631624


    Hi Xtemos Team,

    After updating the WoodMart theme, we are facing a couple of issues.

    1. Category section on small iPads: https://prnt.sc/_dIjiK_Xxfp7 (How can I make it 3 columns)
    2. Testimonial section on small iPads: https://prnt.sc/UOMrftTEkk9f

    Normal iPads it looks okay. Snapshots below:

    1. https://prnt.sc/l3Ao9RWZwSdz
    2. https://prnt.sc/Jrik1nWVfuCG

    Could you someone please help me with the CSS?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    I would like to request temporary admin access so I can look at the settings there better.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    Good morning, Thank you for your response.

    I am creating a staging server and will give you admin access very soon.

    Kind regards



    Please find the login credentials in the private content area.


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that the iPad mini has the inches that are related to mobile and that is why there are 2 columns. First, I suggest you set the 3 columns here – https://prnt.sc/N95s5DIZXaJd and check how it works. The same goes for the testimonials – https://prnt.sc/iJ9TBr0ztUCi , let me know if such a solution suits you.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    I have tried such an option. Layout on the mobile devices looks disjointed.

    Mobile: Upto 525px
    iPads: from 712px & 768px

    The Woodmart theme media query for iPads ends > 768.69px.

    Maybe you need to look into such.

    Kind regards


    Luke Nielsen


    WPBakery and Elementor have different breakpoints for positioning content on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, making it impossible to achieve an exact match.

    By default, Elementor has 3 breakpoints (screenshot: https://monosnap.com/file/mADnGU4jBVKxpAM29wu3ZmlcyuKeo1):
    • Desktop: Screen width 1025px and above
    • Tablet: Screen width between 1024px and 769px
    • Mobile: Screen width 768px and below

    WPBakery, by default, has 4 breakpoints (screenshot: https://monosnap.com/file/doniyPfwe3O10ix0eVYyyCpCmHsNpW):
    • Desktop: Screen width 1200px and above
    • Tablet Landscape: Screen width between 1199px and 992px
    • Tablet Portrait: Screen width between 991px and 769px
    • Mobile: Screen width 768px and below

    These breakpoint settings are integral to their respective page builders, and we cannot modify them through the WordPress theme. Changing these defaults could break their functionality and make it impossible to support future updates.

    Kind Regards

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